Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome to the good life?

Today's Topic: Celebrities

I'm not exactly sure at what point in history we decided that people who star in movies and get paid millions of dollars to entertain us were labeled as the people we are supposed to place on a pedestal. It amazes me that society in general seems to have a completely new set of rules for people that are always in the spotlight wherever they go.

I think I would hate to be a celebrity. I mean obviously, yes, the money would be nice. But here's how I look at it: If I was really dedicated to my school and my life, buckled down and had aspirations of say a doctor, at the end of EIGHT YEARS of school, and constantly saving lives and having a purpose in society, I would still only be making a tenth of a percent that Paris Hilton makes for having a hit sex video. I mean seriously, what is the point?? I was listening to the radio yesterday and I got my "daily fill of star entertainment." Turns out Katy Perry likes strippers. Who knew. Turns out that a year later, Neverland and Michael Jackson is still the thing to talk about. And then of course at the end of all this verbal diarrhea, I got told that "now, you're on the inside." Are you serious??? After blowing a small fuse at what I was listening to, I decided that celebrities suck. All around.

So I tried to calm my nerves by watching an entire season of Entourage (ironic right?) and still just didn't get it. In one episode, Bono and Matt Damon guest starred as celebs trying to help out starving children in their own country. Of course, a completely subtle underlying message that the writers of the show are trying to pull off. And somewhere between Johnny getting his life on track and Vince looking for his next piece of tail, I realized that I was part of the problem. But you can't escape Hollywood!

What is it that we find so glorious about the silver screen? The money? The fame? The cars? I hate that we award the people who make us laugh but the real heroes, who pull us out of burning buildings or take out the cancer infecting our body just get a pat on the back and a nice warm thank you. There's no red carpet for those people. No constant paparazzi getting in their face with cameras. No Hollywood premiere for the latest surgery they pulled off. Nope, all we say is thank you. And when we get back to normal health, we can't wait for the next installment of Shrek, Die Hard, Rocky, or Sex in the City. Is it because these plots are so ridiculous that its mind numbing? I guess at some point in your life you sit in awe thinking "Wow, what is must be like to be them." And not just your average movie or TV star. Athletes have the same disease. I remember Daniel Alfredsson talking about how hard his life was two years ago in the NHL playoffs. How upset he was. How devastating his world became. And yes ladies and gentlemen, this is what life has come to. The realization that is your job is play the monkey and entertain all of us average joes. Oh yes Daniel, your life is crucially tough. And every celebrity that discusses their tough life all do a terrific job of making it sound worse than prison.

I guess at some point you have tip your hat, move on and take everything that entertains you with a grain of salt because let's face it, this celebrity thing isn't leaving too soon. Life revolves around the latest and greatest. Like i said at the start of this post, I don't know who decided that the high life was more prominant and more important than your everyday average citizen. But please when you get really really really into a movie or TV show, just keep it in perspective and realize that no matter how many movies, TV shows or sporting events you watch, you still have to wake up the next morning fall back into the trap door that you're not important enough to make the 8 o'clock news or have your own segment on inside start. Yes, welcome to the good life.

And don't even get me started on Perez Hilton. Talk about a douchebag.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

You Have To Start Somewhere

Welcome to Sunday Sitdowns with Donnie J. The goal here is simple: discussing the limitless possibilities of everything that is on this globe. Everyone has a point of view and a story to tell. With this blog, you will get all of this. Life experiences, life stories, deep meanings or even just posts that would classify under a 'slice-of-life' I chose Sunday Sitdowns because in the busy life I lead, Sunday's seem to be the days that are the most quiet and most relaxing. It's also a day of rest. So, every Sunday I will sit down and post the happenings of the world through my eyes and through my words. What's on my mind and what I've seen week in and week out. This is the first of many posts to come.

I promise not to bore you. And I promise I will stay true to myself and my words. Because without accoutability, you have nothing.

Today's Topic: The Big Picture.

I had an interesting discussion with a friend last night about the idea of forever. In realizing that nothing lasts forever, eternity IS forever. Take a moment and wrap the idea around your head that nothing you own matters. Whatever it is you believe will happen after your present day life, realize that once this life is over, what happens next...for all of eternity? Reincarnation? Getting your wings? Answering to God or Satin? Rebirth in a new life? Or do you believe that you simply just become another name in a graveyard, another corpse only to be forgotten about 100 or 200 years from now. For me (and not to sound too cliche), I am certain that the end is only the beginning. We discover who we are only after we have finished one life.

I'm not sure at what point I became absolutely fascinated with "reality." I was in a lecture one time when Bill Nye (yes the science guy) and he said something that really hit me. He said quote: "I was in a lecture one time in first year astronomy. And my professor said to me "You need to realize that on this earth, this entire universe and everything that makes up this planet, you are a speck of sand. No, do you realize how much sand there is at a beach? Well look at all that sand, and see that you are the tiniest speck of that sand. Grab a handful and take one speck. In the entire beach, in the entire world, that's what you are. And I thought to myself, wow, that sucks." And after he said that, I thought the same thing. That does suck. I am a nothing! But then on the contrary, maybe I am a something. In metaphor form, here's what I think: Maybe if I am important enough, people will stop and just stare at the sand. They will watch or they will listen. And they will surround themselves with the best beach, the best specks of sand and the best surroundings. And together, I will help create the best pile of sand.

I guess "the big picture" helps me realize that the best things in life happen with communication. It also makes me realize that forever is what we make of it, whether it be good or bad or somewhere in between. Eternity has already taken care of itself and fate has already decided who you are in this life and who you are supposed to be in the next life. The best advice I have ever got to live life in the big picture was to be be happy and smile at least once a day. And remember that forever takes care of itself. We just help shape it.

Until next Sunday,
Donnie J