Sunday, February 27, 2011

Puff Puff

Today's Topic: The Smokers Culture

Who knew that a little white rolled up stick of tobacco inhaled by millions everyday could have control over people's lives. Cigarettes and tobacco has been around for centuries but has had a complete revolution of cool. It used to be a sign of awesome, all the actors in the movies smoked and all the icons of the world would be more than willing to pose with a cigarette in their mouth. Everyone needed to do it. But at some point, the clouds of smoke made things hazy and someone decided that smoking was no longer cool. It was on that day that Joe Camel became Joe Chemo. The cigarette became the sin stick. The surgeon general stepped in and plastered the packages with horrific images and sad looking children. All at once, smoking was no longer cool. Everyone needed to butt out.

That cloud that the smokers culture puffed out everyday was viewed as an outcast, a taboo and a "dirty little habit." Some smokers say it's just the habit of having something in your hand. It's the motion of smoking that gets you addicted, not the ingredients in the cigarettes themselves. Others will argue that it's the stereotypical 9-5 'ers who need that smoking break to escape the office and cubicles they work in. Some would say that they do it to fit in, that smoking still can be cool depending on the people you are around. Others just don't care. And when someone says, "Didn't you know that smoking can kill you?" their response would be something along the lines of "So can getting hit by a bus" or "We're all going to die anyway."

Myself, I'm interested in the generation divide, how people young and old are still picking up cigarettes. For some, it starts in high school, kids sneaking cigarettes from their parents or getting their older siblings to buy them from the corner store. If you grow up in a house filled with smoke or your parents are smokers, chances are that it becomes more socially acceptable for you to join in. I often wonder when people buy cigarettes if they ever do look at the labels and think about just exactly what they are inhaling into their bodies. I'm curious if smokers ACTUALLY like what they are inhaling. Does it taste good? Is it that calming to your nerves? I think I need a smoker in the culture to explain this to me. Is it more addiction that anything? But if you don't like it, and it doesn't "taste" good, then why do it? Is it that impossible to quit? Is it actually that soothing? By no means am I trying to be rude, I'm just ignorant to the fact that I just don't understand it.

Tobacco is still a billion dollar industry and people still make a living being tobacco farmers worldwide. It's an industry just like any other, creating jobs for people to support one another. The tobacco farmers have their devoted smokers to thank for giving them such deep pockets. Does it not seem ludicrous to then turn around and plaster warnings on packages to warn people about the dangers of smoking? Yes, science has proven that cigarettes kill people and yes science has proven that cigarettes can cause cancer. But alcohol causes death, where are the warnings on those bottles? Does it not seem just as plausible to post pictures of wrecked cars from people who drank too much whiskey, decided to then drive a car after that and ruin their lives or the lives of others? What about fresh produce? Does it not seem just as plausible to make posters in groceries stores that say, "Just so you know shoppers, these heads of lettuce might have been sprayed by cancer causing chemicals to make sure there are no bugs in your food. Eat at your own risk." I really don't think I'm being irrational. Hopefully you can see where I'm going with this.

Maybe smoking gets such a bad rep because it's not convenient. When it's -25 outside in blowing winds, you can still see the cool puff of cigarettes going on around you and you look at the people and think one of two things: 1. That is just crazy or 2. Those people are so sad. I don't smoke cigarettes. I have smoked cigars but I've never puffed on anything else. So my question is simple, why does smoking get so much negative attention compared to any other habit that human beings have? Why so much hate? Is it because of all the lethal ingredients that are found in the sin sticks? Is it because when you tell someone they "shouldn't do something" that they are more likely to do it anyway, thus creating more wealth for cigarette companies worldwide?

I can't find a reasoning for some of this logic. But I guess talking about at least gets me thinking that smokers really are shunned by a lot of people in society. Personally, I will tell you one thing that drives me absolutely insane about smokers. I find it incredibly annoying when two people are standing outside, they approach me and ask if I have a lighter. Just a thought, but if you have habit like smoking, and you are spending that much money on cigarettes, wouldn't it just make SENSE to put a lighter in your pocket or purse, knowing that at some point you are going to light up a cigarette? Instead of relying on the general population to help feed you your habit? Matches are free at a lot of restaurants folks and are pretty much readily available at every gas station in the world. And after I say no I don't have a lighter, don't re-question me by saying, "Are you sure you don't?" Ridiculous.

There are many things I won't ever understand about people who smoke, but there are just as many arguments that support my reasoing to make me think that smokers get an unnecessary amount of negative attention towards them. Don't try to read into it people. Don't pass judgment. And to all the experts on offering your suggestion on how to quit smoking, honestly, just let them be. People quit things on their own terms, not because they need to be forced to do something. Remember, it's a habit, a culture and a way of life for many.

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